Archive for February, 2015
Play It Again, Please
Two Great Oldies These two movies have been replaying again on several of the channels lately, and they are two favorites. I’ll pass them on to you. Enemy of the State (1998) One of the amazing things about this movie is that it was made about 16 years ago…it’s all about government surveillance gone amuck, […]
Repurposed Vegetables*
I sometimes watch Ina Garten, television’s Barefoot Contessa, and she has me sold on vegetables. She’s an interesting person. She worked for Presidents Ford and Carter writing nuclear energy policy, and she is married to Jeffery Garten, a professor at Yale and author of several books. A lot of her cooking show episodes are set […]
The Sunday night Oscars paid tribute to The Sound of Music‘s 50th anniversary, and it was wonderful to see the very gracefully aged Julie Andrews and to hear her distinctive clipped English again. Traveling through Austria recently, everyone in our party was all Gaga about The Sound of Music. Oohs and ahs about Maria and […]