By September 21, 2017 10 Comments Read More →

My New World # 8: THANKFULNESS

May I take back all my petty complaints from my last post (Everything’s Breaking Down (Except Me )?  Now, so much THANKFULNESS:

  •  JITTERBUG has recovered from her bout of severe pancreatitis and has adjusted to the  meds which control her Addison’s Disease. Before, during, and after Hurricane Harvey, she was a very, very  sick dog and only Suzan and Saira saved her.   She is quite a sight as she has many “wounds” and shaved spots from injections, IV’s, and they also shaved her beautiful cascading tail! We now call her “Miss Piggy” but she doesn’t seem to mind. I too have lost most of my hair, and I guess I do mind a little bit, but it is a small price actually.
  • OUR KINGWOOD section did not flood in Hurricane Harvey,  but so many of our friends and neighbors suffered the loss of their homes and their cars, and in some cases, their jobs.  Over a hundred Kingwood businesses were lost, but the community response has been incredibly inspiring.   I feel so sorry for my neighbors and, of course, I can’t offer much assistance. Stage Four is staying clear of any exposure to toxins which are lurking everywhere around here.
  • OUR TRIP  to Custer, South Dakota was a fantastic  family time.  We were really excited to view the full eclipse of the sun as well as Mt. Rushmore, the Crazy Horse monument, and the gorgeous scenery.  I’m attaching photos below, but the eclipse was a truly remarkable experience.  On the day of the eclipse, we left Custer in the early morning hours and traveled to Jay Em, Wyoming, in the epicenter of the Zone of Totality.  There were lines and lines of cars coming from the cities, all headed to find a perfect viewing spot.  We went to a rescue horse ranch which rented out 100 spots. And, at the time the moon took its last bite, there was first a hush and then applause.  There was a human connection here among us all, very hard to describe, but for a few minutes we were part of something  “cosmic”.   On another note, I had a somewhat negative reaction to Crazy Horse monument, but I need to learn more and comment on that at another time.
  • MY SCHEDULE:  My tests continue to be good and I’m holding my own even after a couple weeks off.  My scheduled chemos are Wednesdays, October 4th and 18th, and then that important CT scan two weeks after that.  After each Wednesday’s  treatment, I recover Thursdays- Sundays, and then I have a fantastic week and a half, feeling great and full of energy. So I continue to enjoy my visitors a lot!   Thanks so much for the support.

I still really enjoy MY CHEMO PLAYLIST each  morning as I walk and as I take my chemo treatments.  This week, it seems appropriate listening to the Beetles’ (one of just a few Beetles songs on my playlist – seems the lyrics are not as relevant as they once were) “Here Comes The Sun”.

and Willie Nelson’s ( One of many of Willie’s on my playlist ….seems more relevant every time I listen) “Texas ” – and I love the long instrumental intro before hearing  Willie.

Thanks  for reading my blog. I am experiencing a little chemo haze and find that words don’t come as easily, so apologies to all my literary friends. Well, that may be another excellent Stage Four defense.

AND as my friend Ben says, “Never ruin an apology with an excuse.”

Crazy Horse profile

Where the buffalo roam in S. Dakota

Total eclipse in Jay Em, Wyoming

On the road to the Zone

Dusk in the afternoon

Posted in: Comments, My New World

About the Author:

I am an observer of our interesting world , sharing my passions and my outrages, and thinking of Incredible Ben, his amazing blending of a social and civic life with superb common sense.

10 Comments on "My New World # 8: THANKFULNESS"

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  1. Carol Ray says:

    I sure enjoyed your songs, pictures and update. So happy to hear of your family time.
    Love you,
    The other Carol

  2. Betty FLeming says:

    The photos were exciting to see and I am so thrilled Jitterbug is swanking around just fine! So looking forward to seeing you next week. Much love, Betty

  3. Ruth Junkin says:

    It is wonderful to hear your update Aunt Carol. We love you. Ruth

  4. Maureen says:

    Sounds like all good news! So good to hear as I’ve been thinking of you. Poor little Jitterbug. Glad to know she is much better. And you are blessed that you are a beautiful woman with or without your lovely hair and you rock those ball caps too! Love the pics! Look forward to seeing you and Milton again soon!

  5. Wallace Graham says:

    Shirley and I think you should have been wearing ball caps LONG before now…. We will see you in October!

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