By June 16, 2017 5 Comments Read More →

My New World # 4: A Quick Update

I appreciate the many prayers and good wishes as I approached my first evaluative CT Scan yesterday.

Today I received very good news from the doc that my tumors have decreased in size and the 8 weeks (4 treatments) of chemotherapy appear to be effective in blocking the spread to other organs.  SO I am cleared to continue chemo for another eight weeks. While this condition is terminal, the longer the chemo holds the cancer at bay, the longer I can survive.

My new chemo schedule begins next Wednesday, June 21, and will continue every other week for three more treatments: July 5, 19, and Aug 2. I generally don’t feel very entergetic for about 5 days after each treatment, but feel great the 8 or so days before the next treatment. Visitors welcome!

I credit your prayers and kind wishes with helping me weather this initial period; without your support, emails, cards and your visits, I would have surely become discouraged.  Although this has been a period of extreme self focus for me, I am pledging to broaden my horizons during these next weeks…have decided it’s not helpful to lead this sequestered  life.



Posted in: Comments, My New World

About the Author:

I am an observer of our interesting world , sharing my passions and my outrages, and thinking of Incredible Ben, his amazing blending of a social and civic life with superb common sense.

5 Comments on "My New World # 4: A Quick Update"

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  1. Denise A says:

    Carol, glad to hear of the positive news you received from your doctor yesterday! ❤️ I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.

  2. Carol Ray says:

    Glad to hear the positive news. You are in my
    thoughts. I knew you are above average, love your
    Sweet determination. Love ❤️ to you and your family.

  3. Bill Schaake says:

    I was at MD Anderson today. See you will be in attendance tomorrow. Will come by unless you prefer no visitors during treatment. Glad to hear the first round worked as hoped.

    • Cam says:

      Love visitors! 7 hours of chemo is BORING! I feel very good during the process …no side effects til a day or so later..

  4. Carol Ray says:

    Thinking of you sweet friend!

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