By February 8, 2018 7 Comments Read More →

My New World: # 10

A TMI Health Update:  As you know, I have been taking chemotherapy every other week for the last ten months.  It’s been very good, my new normal, but after my last evaluation, we discovered that the tumors are growing a little again.  This calls for a new strategy and  an eight week round of two new drugs.  The goals are to stop the growth of the tumors again and to give my poor old bod a respite from the big, bad drug, cysplatin.  Cysplatin is very effective but very damaging to the body, so the longer I can keep it “on the shelf”, the better it is for me.  And, there’s the hope that six months off the drug will cause my tumors to forget they’ve ever met Cysplatin, and that would be excellent.

So I am very optimistic about the new duo.  One is given at MDA through infusion (as have been all the others) and the second drug is sent home with me in a power pack to dispense the  drug over the next two days. The power pack is like a big ugly cheap vinyl black purse slung over my shoulder (if you don’t notice the discrete tube which disappears under my blouse). If I wear it under my blouse, I look like a very pregnant 99 yr old woman and don’t enjoy seeing mothers pulling away and shushing their little staring children.  It keeps M awake at night with its every 2 minute slurp, slurp, but I clutch it like a beloved teddy bear and sleep away.

All is good except the side effects to the new duo have been rough, and I have been out of circulation for a while.  However, yesterday, I was much better and have returned to the land of living. Getting ready to take the final two treatments on February 14 and 28th and then on to evaluation.  TMI but felt chatty today and have had many inquiries.  Friends are great!  Thanks for asking and for your support.

The Pendants:  Malinda Goldhirsch of MG Jewelry Designs in Whitefish, MT had closed her shop temporarily to move to a new facility.  It’s wonderful that her business is growing and I have told her that some of you will be in contact about the pendants.  WOW!  What a friends’ circle we will have!

Malinda wrote me a very nice note, “  I am so honored that my charms are supporting and inspiring your circle…I am giving two of my friends who have cancer the charms, and I want to mention your circle to them…I also have a friend who goes to MDA once a month, so if you run across a hip gal from Montana wearing the charms, say Hi…Keep persisting, Carol!”

Her shop should be open within a few days, and it’s MG Jewelry Designs at

GROUNDHOG DAY REPOSTING:  I am reposting my groundhog day post from several years ago when this blog was just a collection of whatever was on my mind.   I know I have missed Groundhog Day technically, a week late, but I feel like Punxsutawney Phil just emerging from a dark hole and blinking, adjusting to the light.  I’m back to my new normal and hoping I don’t see my shadow.

Posted in: Comments, My New World

About the Author:

I am an observer of our interesting world , sharing my passions and my outrages, and thinking of Incredible Ben, his amazing blending of a social and civic life with superb common sense.

7 Comments on "My New World: # 10"

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  1. | September 14, 2018
  1. Maureen says:

    I love when you’re chatty! Missed you on fbk and here. Assumed you were not feeling too great, but thrilled to know you are better! Continued love and prayers!

  2. Jo Fletcher says:

    Love you lady – I have enjoyed our all too infrequent visits so much. Think of you often.


  3. Judy Brown says:

    I’ve been thinking about you recently and wondering how you were doing. Thank you for the update and the best of luck with the new “cocktails” so to speak!!! Our prayers continue to include you & M…❤️&🙏🏻. Jim retired last week so we are getting adjusted to some much deserved “together” time. Do keep in touch; our best always!!

    • Cam says:

      Just now seeing your response….can’t even IMAGINE Jim Mack retired; Hope he does better than I have. Thanks for reading and responding…

  4. Anne Tolbert says:

    Carol, it was so good to see your post and to read that not only are you rounding the corner on the two-drug treatment but that you are feeling better! I am hoping you will get to the farm next few weeks as everything is about to burst into bloom🌸🌷.
    It was against all odds but my cousins and I were able to buy my brother’s land (inherited and joining me) at our home place in Becker and I can’t wait for it to dry up enough to do some landscaping around the original homesite (est 1846) which is my new piece. Something about that LAND!! And I am sure you live getting up to your acres as well!
    Thinking of you always and hope we can get together again soo when you are feeling better!

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