My New World # 11: Spring Forward

Jitterbug in her bluebonnet moment!
SPRING HAS SPRUNG: It has been a very frosty winter for Houston, and our landscapes are littered with dead sago palms and other tropicals. Nevertheless, spring is beautiful this year as some plants seem to have benefited from the cold weather, the azaleas are stunning.
And like me, for example. My frosty winter is turning into a beautiful spring.
As I have reported in my last post, my tumors had begun to grow again, just a little, but the growth indicated the drugs I was taking had lost their effectiveness so a new duo was in order. In my last post, I described my regimen, and the side effects were, shall I say, significant. And, then there was that attached pump. A friend and I mused that I might be mistaken for a suicide bomber if I went out in public, but then decided I was more of a fashion bomber.
UPDATE: After 8 weeks of the new treatment the scans show my tumors are reduced somewhat which is really good news for my longevity, but the best news was that the doc gave me two weeks vacation! Just imagine, after taking chemo every other week for 11 months, I have 14 days of freedom from drugs. I have feel like myself, and it is exhilarating. I have been tackling projects, lunching and walking with friends, and for the last few days of my vacation, I will be traveling to visit friends. We meet every year but I was unable to go last year, so this is especially special. They are all wonderful women with whom I have shared many experiences, and I am so grateful be allowed to be “normal”again for these days. We will tell the same old war stories, perhaps enhanced by time and telling and wine, catch up the eventful lives of each, eat at wonderful restaurants, have outstanding pajama parties. I am happy.
AND THOSE PENDANTS: So many of you have ordered a pendant, and I am so excited about our support circle. I have a small bulletin board on which I have pinned a heart with your name, and everyday I look at it, remember our experiences and your support for me and others in the circle. So if you are wearing one of our pendants, let me know so I can put your name on the board. A note for men especially: some people “wear” the pendant on their key chain. Is this an ego exercise? I am hoping not, as we each wear the pendant for support of someone who is struggling with a life challenge. Perhaps my bulletin board is an ego exercise, but, anywho, I love it.
SO THIS SPRING, I am literally springing forward. In April, it will be a year since diagnosis and treatment, and as I’ve mentioned before, my goals were to survive a year (50% don’t) and to celebrate my 81st birthday in June. SO, unless I get hit by a truck, I’m going to make it.
Most importantly, this past year has been a wonderful year for me.