Pinus Palustris
Pinus Palustris, otherwise known as long leaf pine trees, were natives to the Big Thicket National Forest. They dominated their forests for centuries until East Texas developed into a timber producing mecca.
They are beautiful trees, growing to a height of 125 feet, straight and tall with no branches except at the very top which, of course, makes for beautiful long knotless planks. Unfortunately, they grow slowly, v.e.r.y slowly.
Replaced in our today world by Loblolly Pines which grow incredibly fast and are equally beautiful. They are everywhere. If you have a pine tree somewhere, 99.99 % chance, it’s a Loblolly Pine.
Recently I purchased 250 baby long leafs and have been planting and creating Long Leaf Corner at The Lakes Place and giving them away whenever I can. Want one?
Ben introduced the Chinese tallow tree to America, but he is not to blame for the tree’s invasion and destruction of coastal prairies from Florida to Texas. That devastation was linked to seeds brought to this country by our own federal biologists in the early 1900s.
Living Ben