Be My Guest

More of Velma’s Photos
My friend Velma is a wonderful photographer. I shared some of her garden photos and the critters-in-the-her-garden photos. These next photos explore her world of the Coastal Bend area of South Texas.
My Friend, Steve, has many talents. He is an artist, a designer, and a fantastic teacher. These posts give advice to teachers, new or struggling. For a real treat, go to his website for wonderful stories, Each of his posts is related to one of his stories. You’ll love ’em!
Tips for the Beginner: Part III
This is the third article by Steve Moncus, extraordinary teacher! This post is related to the story, The Bully, on his blog,

Completing The Loop!
Captain Jim, Sir Walter, and Mary are completing 5306 miles of their loop of the Eastern US via Intercoastal canals, lakes and rivers. This is the last installment of their journey. Courageous souls all, they are at the end of their very unique adventure. (This is the third installment – you should read their story from the beginning!)
Tips for the Beginner, Part II
Steve Moncus is an extraordinary person and teacher, and he will be sharing his advice for those new to the profession. His blog, has wonderful stories about his experiences. Check those out.

My Friend, Velma
My friend, Velma, is a wonderful photographer. I am struggling to select just a few of her photos as there as so many beautiful choices. Over the years, she has expanded her viewpoints. First, I loved her land and seascapes, and then her wonderful vegetable garden photos. She gardens in pots in a narrow isle […]
My Friend, Steve
Steve Moncus is an extraordinary person and teacher, and he will be sharing his advice for those new to the profession. His blog, has wonderful stories about his experiences. The following essay is related to his story, “An Elephant Ate My PE Clothes” on his blog.

Looping another 2200 miles!
Note: My friend, Mary, is a “Looper” and she is going to share her adventures with the rest of us. This is the second installment of several as she “loops” the Eastern United States in the Proud Mary accompanied by her husband, Jim, and Walter, their intrepid Cairn terrier. She has taken some wonderful photos […]

The First Thousand Miles of The Loop
Note: My friend, Mary, is a “Looper” and she is going to share her adventures with the rest of us. This is the second installment of many as she “loops” the Eastern United States in the Proud Mary accompanied by her husband, Jim, and Walter, their intrepid Cairn terrier. She has taken some wonderful photos […]
Sooie, sooey, soo ee…
My friend, Al, a political enthusiast and noted commentator, has christened the 2016 election year, the Year of the Pig. Well, after all, Hillary’s spouse is a cheating swine, Bernie lives on a pig farm, The Donald is a sexist pig, and Ted is simply pig-headed. And, of course, they all want to cut pork […]