By May 21, 2017 0 Comments Read More →

My New World, #2: The Gathering of the Clan

I am so fortunate to have the support of family.


 Our daughter has traveled from New Hampshire to stay a couple of months. She is working remotely from her school and has brought part of her cattery with her.  Some of her cats were placed into foster homes for the next several weeks, but she brought Kiska and her three kittens: Millie, Molly, and Mandy.  They are beautiful, and live in a “gated community” in the back bedrooms of our house. Jitterbug, of course, is not too pleased with her guest intruders, and she is practicing the Amish custom of shunning, despite hearing them mew and having occasional sightings. Check out more beauties at


My family is here every weekend, and it’s great to have this extra time with them. At first I felt they should save their time for the later stages of my probable decline, but now I realize it’s wonderful to have them here while I’m feeling so good and we can enjoy each other.  It’s  like Christmas every weekend, joy in our togetherness, lively discussions on politics, the state of American culture, the books we’re reading (or listening to on Audible), the surprising Astros, and the general condition of everything under the sun.  My freezer and pantry are now stocked with healthy alternatives to my traditional family feasts–plenty of storage room in both now (I did manage to salvage my husband’s frozen Eggos).


The Glories of my life: an amazing husband, three wonderful adults who call me “Mother”, an incredible young woman who calls me “Grandmother”,  and a marvelous son-in-law and a generous significant-other in our family.


I have truly enjoyed having so many visitors this week…looking forward to lunch with two BBS colleagues, Suzanne and Jill, on Monday.


Then on Wednesday, 24th, my third infusion.


Posted in: Comments, My New World

About the Author:

I am an observer of our interesting world , sharing my passions and my outrages, and thinking of Incredible Ben, his amazing blending of a social and civic life with superb common sense.

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